Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Day One: May 1, 2012

Day One: May 1, 2012

"The root of joy is gratefulness...It is not joy that makes us grateful;
it is gratitude that makes us joyful."
~David Steindl-Rast

What an exciting new journey! The inspiration came to me this morning, on my way to work, out of the blue, out of that place from which all divine inspiration springs! Today I embark in a journey of adventure: a year of living in gratitude, one day at a time. Each day I will endeavor to pay close attention to life around me, to become consciously aware of the beauty, wonder, majesty, and mystery that are all around us all the time. It is there if we choose to see it. Each day I choose to name one thing that I am grateful for, one thing that makes my heart sing.

Today I am grateful for all the teachers and guides, including dear friends and companions on the spiritual path, all the beacons of light who have inspired me to be fully present to the wonders of life, all those who have inspired me to open my heart in appreciation. Teachers like the apostle Paul who said, "In all things give thanks." People like my Feng Shui teacher David who gave me the assignment 10 years ago to count my blessings—as in literally make a list—at a time in my life when I was feeling a decided lack of abundance. I put pen to paper, and do you know that in a very short time there were 100 things on that list! Before long, tears of gratitude were flowing from deep within my soul. I am in great appreciation for the people in my life who have challenged me to find the blessing in every situation and circumstance, no matter the level of apparent difficulty or pain.

Isn't it funny how we think our happiness lies somewhere in the future—when we finally achieve success, when our goals are accomplished, when our circumstances improve, when our ship comes in. NO! Our happiness, our feeling of peace and serenity, our experience of bliss, lies in the present moment. This moment. Now. No matter what our current experience of life, no matter what our current circumstances, we have the moment-to-moment choice as to how we will respond. We have the choice to find something to be grateful for, something to appreciate. And the moment we do, the circumstances shift to accommodate our new experience of life.

When we are in the place of inner peace and fullness of heart, we align with the abundant flow of all good. We resonate at the frequency of joy, and that is what attracts people and circumstances, ideas and inspirations, the energy of YES!

What are you grateful for today?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Joanne! No matter how tough things may be, this is a great reminder of how grateful I am for life, in itself. I'll look forward to riding along on your wave of joy and appreciation. A deep, cleansing breath, and that positive feeling, yes.
    WoW! Now that's one pretty flower!
