Friday, May 11, 2012

Day 7: May 11, 2012 ~ Yoga Bliss

Day 7: May 11, 2012 ~Yoga Bliss

"I have visited in my wanderings shrines and other places of pilgrimage.
But I have not seen another shrine blissful like my own body."
~Saraha, 8th century yogi is Friday, the best day of the week! That's because of my Friday morning yoga class. How I love this practice. I love what B.K.S. Iyengar says in his book Light on Life: "You do not need to seek freedom in some distant land, for it exists within your own body, heart, mind, and soul." Yoga practice helps to liberate the mind from its worries and cares, encourages us to deepen in compassion for ourselves and others, and brings lightness to body, mind and spirit. 

There is nowhere to get to in yoga, no place to be but right here right now, right where we are in the moment. Led by the breath, gentle stretches create space between the vertebrae, space in the connective tissues, and circulate life-giving energy to our weary cells. After an hour of gentle stretches—downward facing dog, mountain pose, tree pose, warrior pose, the breath of joy, and sometimes "doing laps around our yoga mats", one of my favorites because it makes us all laugh—I feel energized, strengthened and renewed. And there is something beautiful about chanting the sound of OM together as one, our voices vibrating out into the universe, sending out the energy of peace, harmony, and love. 

I have to admit though, I think my favorite part of the class may be Shavasana—the part at the end where you lay down in complete relaxation, preferably with a lavender-scented eye pillow for the full effect, listening to some quiet meditative music, just allowing your body to fully and completely relax. Our bodies need that kind of restorative practice. We spend so much of our lives running from one activity to another, very busy, very productive, going going going all day long. This is a time to allow ourselves to just be, time to honor our bodies, these sacred temples of the soul and spirit.

I am grateful for the lineage of teachers who have passed on the practice of yoga, very grateful for my teacher, who is so generous of spirit, wise, caring and skillful in her teaching, and grateful for my fellow students with whom I share this journey.

Wishing you abundant blessings,



  1. Well said, Fellow Yogi. I too look forward to Friday mornings. Thank for putting it so eloquently. Mary

  2. I experience the bliss of the moment when reading your words. May we continue to take our practice off the mat and into the world... thank you! Jai Bhagwan, Debra
