Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Day 10: May 15, 2012 ~ Birdsong

Day 10: May 15, 2012 ~ Birdsong

"A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song."

You'll want to turn up the sound on your computer for this one. I hope this works! Hopefully a Youtube video appears above, and you will be able to hear the beautiful vocal sounds of a Northern Mockingbird. This is a bit of an experiment. If you are unable to watch the video, go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMpe34Aign4 and watch it there.

Every day I wake up to the sound of birds singing in the garden outside my window. It's the most lovely sound. It feels to me like they are little messengers from heaven filling the air with their beautiful song. I cannot imagine the world without the sound of birds singing. There is something comforting in their constancy. I wonder sometimes if they are aware of the gift they offer to the world. I think so.

When pondering which bird song to share today, I decided to go with the mockingbird, as they imitate many other bird calls—you get to hear a variety of songs in the one bird :-)  The repertoire of a male mockingbird includes 50-200 songs! What female mockingbird could resist the moonlight serenade of one of these glorious vocal masters!

One of the most magical experiences I have had was going on an 'owling' excursion with a naturalist friend skilled in imitating owl calls. We walked silently along a path through the woods late one winter night, in the hopes of coming upon one of these magnificent creatures. He would call to them and occasionally we would hear a response from off in the distance. What a thrill when our guide suddenly stopped in his tracks and shined his flashlight up into the trees above us—and there perched on a high branch was a huge owl, looking down at us with its bright yellow eyes. We had not heard its silent approach, but our guide knew it was there. I don't remember now whether it was a Barred Owl or a Great Horned. I just remember feeling a connection in that moment to something wild and beautiful.

Today I feel gratitude for all of the winged messengers of Spirit who fill our world with beautiful song.

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