Friday, August 10, 2012

Day 58: August 10, 2012 ~ Lessons from the Yoga Mat

Day 58: August 10, 2012 ~Lessons from the Yoga Mat

"Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape."
~Author Unknown

"The body is your temple. Keep it pure and clean for the soul to reside in."
B.K.S. Iyengar

So, today was Friday, YOGA DAY, and I am feeling grateful...for my wonderful teacher who brings a deeply spiritual approach to the practice, and grateful for the teachings that have come down to us through the ages—physical poses and a philosophy designed to help us align in body, mind and spirit.

It struck me today how what we do on the yoga mat can transform how we do life. I notice that in our class of 12, we are all ONE as we flow into and out of the various poses in synch with the teacher, yet we are at the same time separate individuals, each one independent and unique, self-contained in our little 2'x6' yoga mat space. We are each responsible for our own well being, going as deeply into each pose as our bodies will allow on any particular day. There is no comparing ourselves to others in the class, no judging poses as good or bad...the focus is on centering and grounding within ourselves, finding our own inner balance and building strength at the core. We focus only on our own progress, no one else's.

I'm finding that image of each person occupying their own yoga mat a great metaphor for relationships...especially ones in which the boundaries get a little fuzzy. For example, those of us who may be prone to "co-dependent" type behaviors—those of us who can tend to feel that we are responsible for another person's emotional state of welbeing. I felt myself veering in that direction with someone this afternoon, and then I brought that image to mind: "No," I thought, "I'm on my yoga mat; the other person is on her yoga mat. She is responsible for her own wellbeing, and I am only responsible for mine." Whew! What a relief! I only have to be responsible for my own emotional state; I don't need to 'twist myself into a pretzel' trying to 'help', change, or fix anyone else!

In great gratitude today for the many gifts of this amazing practice. Namaste.

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