Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Day 20: May 30, 2012 ~ Walking a Sacred Path

Day 20: May 30, 2012 ~ Walking a Sacred Path

"Solvitur ambulando: it is solved by walking"

Today I am celebrating the simple act of walking--appreciating the opportunity to spend time connecting with nature, connecting with our deeper selves, and noticing the miracles and wonder that are all around us. The practice of going on pilgrimage, walking great distances in search of spiritual renewal, is an ancient tradition--one can go on walkabout across deserts and bush country in the Australian outback, or make the trek across The Camino in northern Spain, or venture out like the Peace Pilgrim, who for nearly three decades walked more than 25,000 miles spreading her message of peace across North America.

These are times of deep spiritual quest, where one sets out with intention to listen more closely to the questions of the heart, ventures out into unfamiliar territory, opens to new experiences, willing to expand one's experience of life. However, one needn't go to Australia or Northern Spain to gain the benefits of walking a sacred path. All that is needed is awareness, an open heart and an open mind, a desire to be here now in the precious present. A hike in the woods, a walk on the beach, or a walk around the block will do!

One of my favorite forms of 'pilgrimage' is walking a labyrinth. I feel blessed to work in a place that has an outdoor labyrinth in a beautiful garden setting, where I can go during the day to do a walking meditation, to clear my mind of all the busy thoughts that seem terribly important until I step away for a new perspective and am reminded of what really matters. It's a wonderful way to re-connect with that place of peace, joy and serenity within.

Wishing you a joyful journey wherever your path leads today.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Day 19: May 28, 2012 ~ Suspending Disbelief

Day 19: May 28, 2012 ~ Suspending Disbelief

"It always seems impossible until it's done."
~Nelson Mandela

This weekend San Francisco is celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the Golden Gate Bridge, which opened on May 27, 1937. This magnificent bridge, which in 1994 was named one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World, and remains one of the world's most popular tourist attractions, was at first claimed to be impossible to build.

They said it simply couldn't be done. A bridge across the Golden Gate would have to span a 6,700 foot strait where there were just too many challenges: heavy winds with gusts up to 75 mph, heavy fog with near-zero visibility, and strong swirling tides and currents between the ocean and the bay. One opponent said, "Strauss [Chief Engineer Joseph Strauss] will never build his bridge, no one can bridge the Golden Gate because of insurmountable difficulties which are apparent to all who give thought to the idea."

Strauss, however, was certain it could be done. He called upon other experts in the field, designers and structural engineers, and they all worked together, suspending disbelief, as it were, to construct what was at the time the world's longest and highest suspension bridge, against all odds.

Today, as I celebrate the anniversary of the Golden Gate Bridge and all that it represents, I celebrate the indomitable spirit of persistence and determination that propels one forward in the face of overwhelming challenges. Other heroes who come to mind are Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr., Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Harriet Tubman, Abraham Lincoln, (not to mention Jesus, Buddha and other spiritual and religious pioneers), and so many other men and women throughout history who have been paradigm shifters, visionaries who have broken barriers of limited thinking—who have themselves been bridges from old ways of thinking to more enlightened ways of being.

May these heroes inspire us to believe in the beauty of our dreams and to stand strong, to persist in the face of insurmountable difficulties and to challenge those who would cast doubt. May we suspend disbelief and say YES to life!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Day 18: May 26, 2012 ~ Food, Glorious Food!

Day 18: May 26, 2012 ~ Food, Glorious Food!

"Sex is good, but not as good as fresh, sweet corn."
Garrison Keillor
Mmmmm...I agree with Garrison Keillor. There is nothing like the experience of biting into a fresh cooked sweet, juicy corn on the cob, slathered in butter of course. Living on the west coast, I have been missing REAL corn, like the sweet butter and sugar corn grown in Connecticut. We just don't have anything like it out here.

I was listening to Jacques Pepin being interviewed on NPR this morning, and it got me thinking about how much I love good food. Anytime I hear someone with a French accent speaking about cooking, it makes my mouth water instantly and I start daydreaming about all the foods I love. Like fresh steamed artichoke with Lemonaise, or a sun ripened tomato picked right off the vine. Like pan seared Ahi tuna, or Maguro sushi with soy sauce and wasabi, or fresh grilled salmon with ginger, soy sauce and brown sugar glaze.  Homemade onion-dill bread fresh out of the oven. Blueberry pancakes with fresh maple syrup. My son's home-baked chocolate chip cookies (the best in the world). Chocolate-covered strawberries, key lime pie, pumpkin chiffon cheesecake. I could go on... :-)

It's fun to watch someone enjoying their favorite foods. My niece's daughter has a particular fondness for grapefruit, which she will frequently request for dessert. She practices intense concentration in tackling a grapefruit, and the job is not finished until the very last molecule of juice is squeezed from it. I never knew one could get so much juice from a grapefruit.

Often we have special memories connected to sharing meals with others. When I think of one of my visits to Yosemite, I recall a fond memory of hiking up Rainbow Falls and sharing a loaf of French bread, some cheese and wine with my companions as we sat in the sun enjoying the view from the top of the falls. A simple meal, but shared like some kind of communion with one another amid nature's splendor.

In fact, sometimes it is the connections with loved ones around the table that we remember more than the actual meal. Some of my fondest meal-time memories are candlelight dinners on the porch of a certain cabin in the Adirondacks, where the menu was generally very simple, but the stories shared were full of stories, stories of ice cave explorations or hikes up Mt. Haystack, stories about bear sightings, moose sightings...and often accompanied by the haunting call of a loon on the lake...and much laughter and delight. Sweet memories, indeed.

Today I celebrate food, glorious food, and delightful company to share it with. Bon appetit!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Day 17: May 26, 2012 ~ Celebrating Love & Romance

Day 17: May 26, 2012 ~ Celebrating Love & Romance

"Love doesn't make the world go 'round; love is what makes the ride worthwhile."
~Franklin P. Jones

Today I want to share something awesome with you. I haven't been able to think about anything else since I first watched this video this morning. I've now watched it three times I still cry every time! If for some reason you have trouble viewing it here, copy and paste the link into your browser:

Earlier this week an actor from Portland, Isaac Lamb, proposed to his girlfriend Amy Frankel in a spectacular way. With the help of 60 friends and family members, Isaac surprised Amy with a musical-theater-style proposal performed to the song "Marry You". You may have even seen this video, as it has already 'gone viral'. Says Isaac, "...I told my girlfriend Amy to meet me at my parents' house. When she arrived I had stationed my brother to sit her on the back of a Honda CRV with some headphones on. He 'wanted to play her a song'...What she got instead was the world's first Live Lip Dub Proposal."

Of course she says YES! Who could say no to a guy who would put that much thought, effort, and romance into a marriage proposal?! I'm thinking they are in for an adventurous ride through life together. What I really love is the joyful collaboration with family and friends--the embrace of their community, launching them into their new life together with love, creative energy, and unbridled joy.

Today I am in celebration of unbridled joy and good old fashioned romance! Wishing you abundant blessings this day.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Day 16: May 24, 2012 ~ Late Bloomers

Day 16: May 24, 2012 ~ Late Bloomers

"Not all those who wander are lost."
~J.R.R. Tolkien
Wooly Bear Caterpillar
Today I am celebrating late bloomers...a topic I know something about! The little critter in the photo above is my new hero. This amazing creature was one of the stars of the Discovery Channel production Frozen Planet, which by the way, you must see if you enjoy nature and wildlife has the most stunning and dramatic film footage of life in the arctic regions. They actually filmed this little guy over the course of several years. You see, the wooly bear caterpillar has a unique life cycle of freezing and thawing over and over again. As winter approaches it goes into a little underground space where it freezes solid, and then it comes out in the summer to eat as much as it can, and then goes back into its frozen state, and so on, for 14 years, until it has enough energy to transform into a moth.

It has its own natural rhythm; it matures in its own time. I think late bloomers are like that. I appreciate the J.R.R. Tolkien quote above, "Not all those who wander are lost" because I can relate to that sentiment. I have been called "a poster child for the Jack of all trades and master of none". Well, that may be true, but I sure have had an amazing journey of discovery and learning, for which I am very grateful. I have persued serious studies in dream work, Feng Shui, and Reiki. I became a certified Prayer Practitioner for a New Thought church. I have dabbled in writing and photography, and even studied graphic design for a time. And I have always kept a day job to support these passions.

Now I feel like the caterpillar is transforming, and I am finding my wings. This blog is my favorite endeavor so far, and I can't wait to see where it leads! It is helping me connect with my most true self and it is combining my knowledge and skills from all those other paths. And, other doors are beginning to open as I follow Spirit's lead, inching along like that little caterpillar, one day at a time, being pulled by my heart's desire.

Late bloomers just have their own life cycle that doesn't fit the mold. They have many interests and passions. It can be frustrating not to be able to focus in on one thing, especially when that is the norm and everyone around you seems to have it all figured out by the time they are 20 or 30 years old. I am inspired by people like Julia Child, who began her career in mid-life, and went on to revolutionize the world of French cuisine. And Grandma Moses, who was in her 70s when she began painting. And Laura Ingalls Wilder, who published her first novel in the Little House series at the age of 60-something.

These women discovered later in life something they were passionate about and just went for it. We all have that spark of divine illumination inside, and when the time is right, it will light up the world.

To late bloomers everywhere, I celebrate your journey and wish you blessings on the way!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Day 15: May 22, 2012 ~ The Hero's Journey

Day 15: May 22, 2012 ~ The Hero's Journey

"We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have
the life that is waiting for us." 
~Joseph Campbell

In yesterday's post I shared a dream that came to me in the midst of a difficult and painful time in my life, a beautiful dream that gave me vision and hope. I'd like to continue on that thread today. I am reminded of a book called Mindful Dreaming, by David Gordon, that offers a unique way of working with nighttime dreams, suggesting that our dreams reveal to us where we are on the path of our 'hero's journey'. I like the idea that our path to wholeness, toward becoming who we truly are, is like a mythic or heroic journey—which has four distinct phases: the Calling, the Quest, Illumination and Return.

Like the great stories and myths about the hero's journey, we may be brought to a point in our lives where we experience a Call for healing or change, where we leave the familiar to go on a Quest. On the quest we encounter challenges and difficulties. In doing battle with our 'dragons', in meeting the challenges and facing our greatest fears head-on, we become stronger and wiser, we discover inner resources we didn't know we had. Then is the Illumination phase—like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz, we realize that we had all that we needed within us all along, the courage, the intelligence, the heart. In the Return stage we 'come home to ourselves', we integrate our new learning into our lives and share our insights with others.

This model has given me great vision when going through difficult times, when confronted with frightening circumstances or unforeseen obstacles. There is an arc! Things get rough, but it does get better in time, and in fact we have the potential to emerge stronger than we were before.

I am learning to give thanks for the challenges, for I know they contain great gifts and hidden blessings. Wishing you wonderful adventures of discovery and illumination on your journey this day!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Day 14: May 21, 2012 ~ The Wisdom of Our Dreams

Day 14: May 21, 2012 ~ The Wisdom of Our Dreams

"We are so much more than we know. Our dreams come to remind us of this night after night, each one a message inspired by an indwelling source of bright intelligence that retains an awareness of all that we are and may become."
~Maggie Peters

Now this is a subject dear to my heart. I have always been fascinated by the nighttime theater of our dreams. There seems to be some smarter, wiser, more ingenious part of ourselves who creates these dramas—a sort of Dream Maker who somehow chooses the perfect cast of characters, the perfect symbols, to make a point, to reflect to us something we need to see, something that if we pay attention can lead us toward health and wholeness. Like discovering buried treasure, our dreams help us to uncover lost parts of ourselves; they inspire creativity; they help us to heal and transform. 

Sometimes a dream feels like a gift from something beyond ourselves (Spirit, Higher Self, the Divine, whatever you like to call it). I had such a dream following the end of a long-term relationship, during a time when I was feeling particularly bereft. The dream opens with a battle scene, like something out of Henry V, with men in black on black horses on one side and men in white on white horses on the other, arrows flying, on a dark misty field.

All of a sudden, three figures emerge from the middle of this battlefield, walking calmly and confidently, surrounded by a halo of golden light, unfazed by the battle raging around them, carrying something precious. As I look more closely I see that it is three characters from Lord of the Rings: Aragorn, the strong and courageous human, Gandalf the wise and mystical Wizard, and Legolas the Elf, fleet of foot and skilled in the healing arts. 

One way of looking at dreams is to imagine every character as reflecting some part of ourselves, carrying some energy that we may not be aware of. It's helpful to reflect on the characters and actually embody the energy, to imagine ourselves as that character. Looking at this dream in that light, it felt like I was being given a gift, to see that I have those characteristics within me—strength, courage, wisdom, the ability to transcend my current circumstances, and the ability to heal. Even though in my waking life that was far from what I was feeling—it gave me hope and vision. I could imagine that those qualities would emerge more clearly in time.

I am grateful for the wisdom of our dreams, and very grateful for the possibilities for healing, growth and transformation, especially as we share our dreams with others in the sacred container of a dream group. I am especially grateful to my teachers, in particular the wise and mystical dream wizard Jeremy Taylor, who has made this work so accessible to so many.

Wishing you sweet (and enlightening) dreams!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Day 13: May 20 2012 ~ Color: Nature's Palette

Day 13: May 20, 2012 ~ Color: Nature's Palette

"Nature always wears the colors of the spirit."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

If only this could be a slide show rather than a single photograph! I've got to figure out how to do that. How awesome are the colors in nature! It's difficult for me to believe that the exquisite color and design of nature's creations are random acts of evolution, survival of the fittest kinds of occurrences. When I gaze at an orchid or a magnificent bird like the peacock in this photo, I imagine a divine creator with a palette and brush, bringing to life creations with the most glorious, exquisite colors and shapes, imbuing each of them with radiant light and life. 

We are surrounded with this beauty ~ it is everywhere. The warm glow of sunset, brush strokes of orange, pink and gold as the sun dips toward the horizon; spring and summer hillsides carpeted with wildflowers in purple, pink, yellow, and blue; the bright red of a cardinal set against the white mid-winter snow. The verdant green forest; the rainbow colored iridescence of the hummingbird or the butterfly. And for that matter, the bright colored rainbow that arcs across the sky after a storm. I have to say, I love rainbows! Nothing delights my soul like watching rainbows dance across the wall as the sun shines through crystals hanging in my window. 

Yes, I am grateful for nature's palette. What a feast for the senses! What a delight for the soul. In the words of one of my favorite poets:
"I thank you God for this most amazing day, for the leaping greenly spirits of trees, and for the blue dream of sky and for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes."
~e.e. cummings

Friday, May 18, 2012

Day 12: May 18, 2012 ~ Meditation

Day 12: May 18, 2012 ~ Meditation

"If you want to find God, hang out in the space between your thoughts"
~Alan Cohen

Today I am feeling grateful for the practice of meditation. There are many forms of meditation, many different practices and desired outcomes, however in my experience and understanding, it can all be summed up in the word freedom. Meditation helps us to liberate our minds from engrained thoughts, attitudes and associations—so that we can experience an expanded awareness, so that we may feel our oneness with all that is. In the practice of meditation we let go of all to-do lists, analyses of our life circumstances, all the limitations of ordinary thinking. For a time, we are open to receive, we are listening with our hearts wide open.

In reading Journey of Awakening by Ram Dass several years ago, I came to appreciate the many ways one can reach this state of being. One does not have to sit in lotus position on a zafu staring at a candle to meditate. There are many forms of moving meditation, like yoga, t'ai chi, or Sufi dancing to name a few—and in fact, fishing or golfing can be a form of meditation as well! It's about single-pointed concentration and freeing the mind from its normal chatter; it's about being present, being here now.

I read something in that book that was revolutionary for me. In the chapter on "Where to Meditate" Ram Dass says: "You will find many ordinary moments in your life are perfect for meditation: when you are waiting in the dentist's office, or for the bus, or sitting in a subway. The stronger your meditation, the less your surroundings distract you. Eventually, you will be able to meditate anywhere, anytime."

I read this particular passage the night before I was to have my first root canal. For some reason I had it in my head that a root canal was a terribly difficult and painful procedure and I had been terrified of going through it. Well, I read this passage and thought: "Hmmm...he says you will be able to meditate anywhere, anytime...that would include during a root canal!" So I let myself try an experiment. I went into the endodontist's office the next day with a whole new attitude, relaxed and serene. He couldn't believe this was the same person who had been in tears the day before.

As I sat in that chair having a root canal, I had the most wonderful experience, meditating and visualizing—focusing on lovely and beautiful things. I was swimming with dolphins, walking along a beach listening to the waves roll in to shore...just having a lovely time! I couldn't believe it. It was truly one of the most wonderful meditations I had ever experienced!

How blessed we are to have this capacity. It is a choice we can make any time. May you find moments of serenity and bliss today.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Day 11: May 17, 2012 ~ Laughter

Day 11: May 17, 2012 ~ Laughter

"At the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities."
~Jean Houston

Now this is one of our greatest gifts...the ability to feel lightheartedness and express it in the joyful release of laughter. Sometimes it's spontaneous irrepressible laughter in response to something very funny—like laughing out loud while you're driving in your car listening to "Car Talk" on NPR :-) ...and sometimes it's a gentle smile as we hold a precious memory in our hearts...and sometimes it's a healing connection in sharing a funny story about a loved one in the midst of grief, where we connect in our deepest humanity. Laughter is one of those cracks where the light gets in. 

I love to laugh! There is nothing like a good belly to energize the system and clear out the cobwebs in the brain. In these times of the 24-hour news cycle where we are reminded moment to moment of all the terrible events happening all over the world, we need the antidote of lightness and joy. Do you know there is actually a laughter movement now! You can join a laughter club, where people gather at regular meetings to do laughter exercise activities; or you can sign up for laughter yoga classes; and there is even a World Laughter Tour with Certified Laughter Leaders trained in how to create therapeutic laughter.

For me, all I need is an episode or two of the TV show Whose Line Is It Anyway? or a classic movie, like Space Balls, which I must have seen 10 times and laughed at the same jokes every time, or to listen to "Car Talk" on a Saturday morning, or to listen to Scott Grace singing one of his spontaneous song creations or reciting one of his Dr. Seuss-meets-Eckhart Tolle poems. If you're curious, check out his website:

So, here's to laughter. Do you know it's even good for our health! As if we needed a reason to partake...apparently it boosts the immune system, reduces the level of stress hormones, increases the level of health-enhancing hormones like endorphins, exercises the diaphragm and the heart, and improves creativity and memory. Yahoo! It's fun and good for you too!

May you be blessed with joy and laughter today.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Day 10: May 15, 2012 ~ Birdsong

Day 10: May 15, 2012 ~ Birdsong

"A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song."

You'll want to turn up the sound on your computer for this one. I hope this works! Hopefully a Youtube video appears above, and you will be able to hear the beautiful vocal sounds of a Northern Mockingbird. This is a bit of an experiment. If you are unable to watch the video, go to and watch it there.

Every day I wake up to the sound of birds singing in the garden outside my window. It's the most lovely sound. It feels to me like they are little messengers from heaven filling the air with their beautiful song. I cannot imagine the world without the sound of birds singing. There is something comforting in their constancy. I wonder sometimes if they are aware of the gift they offer to the world. I think so.

When pondering which bird song to share today, I decided to go with the mockingbird, as they imitate many other bird calls—you get to hear a variety of songs in the one bird :-)  The repertoire of a male mockingbird includes 50-200 songs! What female mockingbird could resist the moonlight serenade of one of these glorious vocal masters!

One of the most magical experiences I have had was going on an 'owling' excursion with a naturalist friend skilled in imitating owl calls. We walked silently along a path through the woods late one winter night, in the hopes of coming upon one of these magnificent creatures. He would call to them and occasionally we would hear a response from off in the distance. What a thrill when our guide suddenly stopped in his tracks and shined his flashlight up into the trees above us—and there perched on a high branch was a huge owl, looking down at us with its bright yellow eyes. We had not heard its silent approach, but our guide knew it was there. I don't remember now whether it was a Barred Owl or a Great Horned. I just remember feeling a connection in that moment to something wild and beautiful.

Today I feel gratitude for all of the winged messengers of Spirit who fill our world with beautiful song.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Day 9: May 14, 2012 ~ Imagination

Day 9: May 14, 2012 ~ Imagination

"Think left and think right and think low and think high.
Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!"
~ Dr. Seuss

Being a practical, down-to-earth, linear thinking type, I am in awe of those artists, writers, musicians, architects, inventors, scientists, and other creative types who let their imaginations soar~those who draw from a deep well of creativity and bring into form something brand new that has never existed before.

Today I am appreciating one of our greatest 'imagineers', Walt Disney, an amazing man who was divinely inspired and committed to bringing his dreams into manifestation. Nothing deterred him from pursuing his creative visions. People in the movie industry thought he was crazy when he proposed making a full length animated film in the 1930s. Who would sit through a two hour cartoon? they protested.

He was determined to create an animated film of the highest quality, and so he set about experimenting with new technology, training artists and technicians in refining the art of painting cells, and ventured into uncharted territory in a financially risky endeavor. Of course the film turned out to be a huge success. The premiere of Snow White in 1937 was attended by the Hollywood elite. The film went on to win an Oscar, and film critics voted it 1938's Best Film. Disney broke new ground and set standards that filmmakers aspire to today.

It boggles the mind how one man could accomplish so much in one lifetime! Numerous award winning classic films and television shows, and of course the creation of "the happiest place on earth"~Disneyland! Again, people thought he was crazy to develop a theme park in the middle of orange groves in southern California. There's nothing there! they said. Who will travel all this way? But he had a clear vision of what he wanted to create and held to it.

What a miracle is the capacity to imagine, to envision, to dream! Today I celebrate with gratitude the world of imagination. May we each find our own spark of divine inspiration and commit to bringing it forth into the world. 

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Day 8: May 13, 2012 ~ In Celebration of Motherhood

Day 8: May 13, 2012 ~ In Celebration of Motherhood

"A mother's love is instinctual, unconditional, and forever."

Today my heart is filled with gratitude for the sacred honor of being a mother to two amazing sons, who continue to inspire and teach me how to grow in love. I am grateful to all the women in my life who have nurtured and guided me with loving care~mother, aunts, teachers, mentors, friends~what a blessing to receive the nurturing touch of maternal love.

I used to say, when my sons were young, "children ought to come with a manual." Many of us enter into motherhood with not the slightest clue what we are doing. It's the single most important job we will ever have, and one for which there is no training. Except on-the-job-training. If we are fortunate we had helpful role models, if not, we muddle along doing the best we can with what we know. 

If I could go back now and talk to my younger-mom-self, I would encourage her to relax and lighten up, to enjoy the journey, rather than try so hard to 'get it right.' I would take her hand, look into her eyes, and say this:

Please don't spend so much time and energy on the 'logistics' of parenthood, on providing healthy food, a clean home, the right kind of toys, schooling, extracurricular activities...or, God knows, dispensing 'helpful advice'. Just revel in the awesome wonder of who your children are as unique beings. Make sure when they look into your eyes they see love and joy mirrored back to them. And focus on what brings you joy, so that when they are in your presence, that is what they feel.

Erich Fromm says it best, in The Art of Loving:
"Affirmation of the child's life has two aspects; one is the care and responsibility absolutely necessary for the preservation of the child's life and his growth. The other aspect goes further than mere preservation. It is the attitude which instills in the child a love for living, which gives him the feeling: it is good to be alive, it is good to be a little boy or girl, it is good to be on this earth!"

Referring to the Biblical symbol of the promised land, described as 'flowing with milk and honey', he adds: "Milk is the symbol of the first aspect of love, that of care and affirmation. Honey symbolizes the sweetness of life, the love for it and the happiness in being alive. In order to be able to give honey, a mother must not only be a 'good mother,' but a happy person."

We need to 'put the oxygen mask on ourselves first'. We need to find and connect with our source of love, joy, passion and emotional/spiritual fulfillment, so that is what our children feel and experience about life in our presence. That is what I would say to my young-mom-self...or in the immortal words of Bobby McFerrin, "Don't worry; be happy!"

In great gratitude for the sacred journey of motherhood and the infinite possibilities to share love, joy, and connection,


Friday, May 11, 2012

Day 7: May 11, 2012 ~ Yoga Bliss

Day 7: May 11, 2012 ~Yoga Bliss

"I have visited in my wanderings shrines and other places of pilgrimage.
But I have not seen another shrine blissful like my own body."
~Saraha, 8th century yogi is Friday, the best day of the week! That's because of my Friday morning yoga class. How I love this practice. I love what B.K.S. Iyengar says in his book Light on Life: "You do not need to seek freedom in some distant land, for it exists within your own body, heart, mind, and soul." Yoga practice helps to liberate the mind from its worries and cares, encourages us to deepen in compassion for ourselves and others, and brings lightness to body, mind and spirit. 

There is nowhere to get to in yoga, no place to be but right here right now, right where we are in the moment. Led by the breath, gentle stretches create space between the vertebrae, space in the connective tissues, and circulate life-giving energy to our weary cells. After an hour of gentle stretches—downward facing dog, mountain pose, tree pose, warrior pose, the breath of joy, and sometimes "doing laps around our yoga mats", one of my favorites because it makes us all laugh—I feel energized, strengthened and renewed. And there is something beautiful about chanting the sound of OM together as one, our voices vibrating out into the universe, sending out the energy of peace, harmony, and love. 

I have to admit though, I think my favorite part of the class may be Shavasana—the part at the end where you lay down in complete relaxation, preferably with a lavender-scented eye pillow for the full effect, listening to some quiet meditative music, just allowing your body to fully and completely relax. Our bodies need that kind of restorative practice. We spend so much of our lives running from one activity to another, very busy, very productive, going going going all day long. This is a time to allow ourselves to just be, time to honor our bodies, these sacred temples of the soul and spirit.

I am grateful for the lineage of teachers who have passed on the practice of yoga, very grateful for my teacher, who is so generous of spirit, wise, caring and skillful in her teaching, and grateful for my fellow students with whom I share this journey.

Wishing you abundant blessings,


Thursday, May 10, 2012

Day 6: May 10, 2012 ~ Gratitude and Awe

Day 6: May 10, 2012 ~ Gratitude and Awe

"Holding the mystery, step into the river and feel eternity. As the sun will rise and the rain will fall, may I begin each day with gratitude and awe."
~Lisa Ferrero & Erika Luckett

Oh my, this is fun! Every day is like a treasure hunt for inspiration and blessing, and like the adage says, seek and ye shall find. When I take my camera with me during the day, I find I am more alert and aware of life around me; I pay closer attention and focus in on things I might pass by otherwise without a second look. This gratitude journey is like that—I find I pay attention to precious pearls of insight that I might not notice if I weren't on the lookout for them.

I am reminded of a song by the musical duo Ruby, called "Awe" (the quote above is from that song). There's another line in the song that I think about frequently: "Inside every one of us contained in each square inch of blood there are 75 billion cells functioning on our behalf so that we may simply be...I think of that as a conspiracy, a conspiracy of life." A repeated refrain is: "If we're not in awe we're not paying attention." Wow. Doesn't that say it all!

How much attention do we focus on what is wrong—with us, with our relationships, with the world—yet, how much air time do we give in our thinking and in our conversations to what is RIGHT, to what is going well, to the miracles all around us?! Like the miracle of 75 billion cells functioning on our behalf, the power of our bodies to heal and grow and transform. The miracle of a single cell becoming two and then multiplying to form into a little human being. The miracle of a caterpillar making the journey of transformation into a butterfly—weaving a cocoon, turning into 'goo' for a time when it is neither caterpillar nor butterfly, and emerging in time a totally different that flies and pollinates the flowers and brings transcendent beauty into the world. And we all, my friends, have that potential, don't we?! 

What transformations might we experience in our lives if we focused on what we are grateful for, on the beauty, the good, the joy, no matter how elusive it might feel at the moment. We can always find something, if we are looking for it.

So many opportunities to feel gratitude and awe! May you discover a precious gem today.


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Day 5: May 9, 2012 ~ Community

Day 5: May 9, 2012 ~ Community

"All you need is love."
~ John Lennon

Okay, so I'm seeing that this may not necessarily be 365 consecutive days :-) My best laid plans of writing every day have been interrupted by life events. While the gratitude practice is a daily one, I may not get to write down the inspirations that are coming through every day. I'm truly letting Spirit lead on this one, which is not my usual M.O.—being a Virgo-rising kind of gal, preferring everything to go according to schedule. It seems my Leo sun is finally coming out from behind the clouds to light the way. (Virgo-rising gal is having some issues with that, but she'll get over it!)

Today I am feeling great gratitude for community ~ the joy, comfort, solace, inspiration, sharing of collective wisdom, strength, encouragement and support that we find in the company of those with whom we share our lives. In times of sorrow or loss, in times of major life transitions when it feels as if the very foundation is pulled out from beneath us, there is comfort in sharing our story with another who understands or can simply listen with love and compassion, and in the midst of sorrow we find some peace. Some part of our soul is restored to wholeness.

Rachel Naomi Remen's wonderful book Kitchen Table Wisdom has this to say about listening: "I suspect that the most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen. Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our attention. And especially if it's given from the heart."

I am grateful for my dear friends, for their love, their compassion, their listening, their inspiration. Years and miles do not dim the radiance of the love in my heart for their beautiful being-ness. I am grateful for the sense of belonging to a community of friends who have so generously offered care and support all through these many years.

There are many ways to find connection in community ~ among friends, in support groups, community action groups, musical groups, dream groups, to name a few ~ and now we have the miracle of the internet to experience our connection to the world community right in our own homes. "The world is a small place anymore," as my friend John says! I am grateful for the ability to express my thoughts and send them out into the ether and touch people I know and people I may never know. We are all inter-connected. Like Indra's net...ahhh, but that's a story for another time!

In deep gratitude for the gift of community,


Sunday, May 6, 2012

Day Four: May 6, 2012 ~ Renewal of Spirit

Day Four: May 6, 2012~ Renewal of Spirit

"Retreat: a place and time for you to get reacquainted with you; the ebb in ebb and flow;
a solitary sanctuary for renewal; a safe haven; a snug den, a refuge."
~Corrie Woods

Today I am grateful for times of retreat and renewal of Spirit. Having spent this weekend at a beautiful retreat center in northern California, my soul and spirit are filled to overflowing. This was a dream work retreat, where people gather in small groups to explore the magical, mystical, and illuminating world of their dreams to unearth the treasures they contain. More to follow on appreciation for dreams another day!

One of the wonderful things about going on retreat is that there are always surprises. There were many surprises this trip. For one thing, what a surprise it was to find pink dogwood trees in bloom! This is a New England beauty, not found on the West Coast normally. The photo above is one of many I was inspired to take of the beautiful flowers this weekend. What was it the Buddha said..."If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change." When we take the time to look, to really look, we feel the miraculous nature of our universe and are in awe.

Walking along the Hobbit Trail to the river yesterday, I stopped in the middle of the woods and just stood there to take in the beauty—the vibrant green trees, moss covered logs, bright red and yellow flowers carpeting the forest floor, birds singing in the trees above me, the gentle sound of a stream rippling over some rocks. I thought, this is why we we go on retreat; we come to the woods to receive, to listen, to just be, to reconnect with nature, and with our own inner world with all its rich complexity. The beauty of nature mirrors our own inner beauty, and the beauty of those we meet at these gatherings. 

We become more alert to the beauty around us, and our hearts are somehow more open to the inner beauty of the people we meet there as well. What if we could see the miracle of a single person clearly, whether on retreat, or in our homes, or in our work place?! Ah, that is my desire as I return to the 'real world' tomorrow, to maintain the open heart, the appreciation, the wonder and awe that is easy to feel when on retreat.

May your spirit be refreshed and renewed this day. Wishing you abundant blessings,

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Day 3: May 3, 2012 ~ The Buck Starts Here

Day 3: May 3, 2012 ~ The Buck Starts Here: Opening to Receive

"The mind flourishes with creative ideas, the hands tingle with ingenuity, opportunities unfold, and blessings abound—all because of the feeling of abundance that came first."
~Eric Butterworth

Today I am grateful beyond words for an awakening in the realm of finances and the quest for abundance and prosperity. I share my experience in hopes that it may resonate with some readers (whoever you are!). It's an area that has eluded me throughout most of my life, even though I was raised in an affluent home in an affluent part of the country. Until recent years I have had an 'elusive' relationship with money—there has been an ebb and flow, but no dedicated effort to harness and direct the energy, no blueprint to follow to build the life of my dreams.
One of my heroes in the quest to learn all that I can on the subject is Suze Orman, who I now watch religiously on TV. She teaches us to start where we are, offering simple and empowering steps to take to create financial well-being. Her advice is simple yet profound: "Live below your means, but within your needs", she says. "If you can afford a 2,000 sq. ft. home, buy a 1500 sq. ft. home". What a concept, in this material world, in this day of 'bigger is better,' in an age when one's sense of worth is often connected to the things one owns. She counsels us to stand in our truth and take actions so that we are able to say "I'm glad I did" rather than "I wish I hadn't". YES! This is the shift that I am grateful to have made. It's a brand new day.
An important turning point came about a year ago when I was talking with a very dear friend about how I can't seem to put anything aside; there doesn't seem to be enough at the end of the month to put away for the future. This friend (for whom I am immensely grateful) encouraged me to start where I am. She said, "even if it's a dollar a day", start at the level I can—it's about developing a new mental attitude of building abundance. After our phone call, newly inspired, I made the commitment to put aside $1 a day! I found a special box to put the money in—it's a gift box with gold stars and Christmas ornaments and the word JOY on the top. It's my Joy Box.

Some might say, $1 a day, that's not very much. But that first day it might as well have been a million dollars for all that it represented, for the shift in energy that I felt. It represents a shift in consciousness, a huge change in thinking, a commitment to financial well-being. I put a little note inside the box, that says, "THE BUCK STARTS HERE!" As in, I now take responsibility for investing the 'talents' I have been given (think Parable of the Talents). It reminded me of the scene in It's a Wonderful Life, where Jimmy Stewart takes two dollar bills and puts them in the bank safe, saying something about 'Mama dollar' and 'Papa dollar' creating lots of babies! That first dollar bill was the only the beginning. 
How exciting it was the first time I gathered up a bundle of those dollar bills and wrote a check to deposit into my IRA. The first of many to come. It feels like the tide has turned, and the channels are now open to receive. The blessings continue to abound, beyond what I could have imagined. While I'm at it, I'll share the affirmations that I repeat as part of a daily practice of gratitude. Feel free to borrow them if you like!
Money comes to me easily and joyously.
Every day in every way my life is getting better and better.
I thrive and prosper doing work that I love that benefits others.
I choose wise stewardship of my finances.
I freely share my talent and my treasure.
Wishing you abundant blessings this day and always!