Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Day 45: July 18, 2012 ~ 21-Day Meditation Challenge

Day 45: July 18, 2012 ~ 21-Day Meditation Challenge

"Meditation is not a way of making your mind quiet. It is a way of entering
into the quiet that is already there, buried under the 50,000 thoughts
the average person thinks every day."
~Deepak Chopra

Today I simply want to share something wonderful with you. I received an email invitation this morning to join the Chopra Center 21-Day Meditation Challenge. I was definitely interested, so I checked it out. The Chopra Center is offering this 21-day meditation series as a gift, free of charge, through the internet. You simply register, log in, and click on the audio link to hear a guided meditation. Each day there is a new meditative image and a quote, offered as a centering thought.

Each meditation is introduced with simple instructions and an inspirational message or thought to contemplate. They are about 15 minutes long. What a lovely way to incorporate a meditation practice into daily life. I listened twice today, once this morning to center and ground for the day, and once this evening, to relax and clear the mind of those 50,000 thoughts. It's amazing what 15 minutes of simply focusing on the breath coming in and going out like the ocean tides can do to improve one's state of being.

Deepak Chopra, founder of the Chopra Center, teaches about the benefits of meditation. He says that if you close your eyes and meditate for 15-20 minutes your brain waves change. You enter into the alpha state, into deep relaxation—the heart rate slows down, blood pressure goes down, blood flow to the brain increases, and the immune system gets stimulated during this state of deep rest. It is said that regular meditation practice even slows down the aging process. In fact, he says that studies have shown that "if you meditate regularly 20 minutes a day, twice a day, for five years consistently, you are likely to be 12 years younger than people born on the same day you were."

If this sounds like something you'd like to experience...and you'd like to check out the 21-Day Meditation Challenge, here is the website:

Today I am grateful for the practice of meditation and for this gift from the Chopra Center, that makes it so simple, accessible and thoroughly enjoyable. Namaste!

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