"Prosperity is a way of living and thinking, and not just money or things.
Poverty is a way of living and thinking, and not just
a lack of money or things."
~Eric Butterworth
The title of today's post comes from a song by the wonderful New Thought musician Karen Drucker. As I thought about today's topic, I had this song going through my head. The chorus line is:
"N-O is my new Yes. When I say No, I'm saying Yes to me."
And one verse goes: "I've been living my life living to please, full of effort and struggle and not enough ease. I've been such a good girl, but now I know, when I'm untrue to me, I lose a piece of my soul."
Today I am grateful to be on a journey of self-empowerment and prosperity building. Yes! I have discovered a book titled Earn What You Deserve: How to Stop Underearning & Start Thriving, by Jerrold Mundis, that is helping me greatly on this journey. For those of you who have no issue with abundance and prosperity, no need to read on. Skip ahead to tomorrow's blog :-) I, on the other hand, am on the learning curve in that department, and am exceedingly grateful for the insights and aha's streaming through.
The book offers specific practices to help people who have ongoing challenges with finances. The author uses the term "compulsive underearner" to describe people who are chronically in debt or somehow in financial crisis on a continual basis. One can earn a very high salary yet find themselves in chronic debt; or some of us consistently accept work that pays less than we need or would be beneficial. Inspired by the various 12-Step programs, the author suggests three "do not's" to practice on a daily basis: 1). "Just for today, I will not incur more debt"; 2). "Just for today, I will not accept work that pays me less than I need or is beneficial"; 3). "Just for today, I will not say No to money."
Well, I've been feeling quite empowered as I have been focusing on this practice. And then this morning I had a major 'aha', a flash of insight: It's not just about money: this applies to relationships as well! As Eric Butterworth says, prosperity is a way of living and thinking...it's not just about money and things. Likewise, poverty consciousness will find ways to keep away all good, whether it be in the area of finances, health, relationships...everything.
So I have decided to extend this practice to my relationship life as well, and here are my three "do-not's":
1). Just for today I will not incur more debt emotionally or psychologically, by over-extending myself in a relationship that is not mutually supportive.
2). Just for today, I will not invest my time and energy in a relationship in which I do not receive the love, support, and soul nourishment that I need and desire. I wish to invest my energy in a relationship in which there is a mutual exchange of energy, love, and support.
3). Just for today, I will acknowledge and gratefully receive the love that is sent my way, the love that is indeed all around. Recognizing that there are many ways in which love may be expressed, I will not refuse it if it doesn't show up in a form that I think it should. Today I will not say no to love.
In gratitude for the power of NO...and YES! And for the wisdom to know when to employ them.
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