"To forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love. In return, you will receive untold peace and happiness."
~Robert Muller
I watched the most powerful program on TV the other night—an episode from a series called Global Spirit, on Forgiveness and Healing. The video above, almost 9 minutes long, is a clip from the show. Dr. Edward Tick and his organization Soldier's Heart helps war veterans suffering from PTSD, by journeying back with them to the place where "they lost part of their soul" and performing rituals to help them heal.
The man in the video clip above was an army captain in Vietnam who has suffered chronic grief and has carried a heavy burden of guilt and shame for his actions in the war. In this scene he releases a torrent of emotion as he and other vets with him are surrounded by the encouragement, support and compassion of Dr. Tick and loving family members. After the release, the men are encouraged to chant in a powerful mantra, "more came home because of me, more came home because of me."
In another incredibly moving scene, the veterans meet face to face with former Vietnamese soldiers, the very men they had met on the battlefield 40 years before. They ask forgiveness for all that they had done, the bombing and killing and destroying of the land, expressing deep remorse. The Vietnamese vets say, "There's nothing to forgive. You were only doing your duty as a soldier. You have to take care of yourself now." This group of Americans and Vietnamese, former mortal enemies, sit together in a circle and talk and sing and raise their glasses in a toast "to peace."
In another scene, the vets visit a temple where they join a group of monks meditating and chanting a prayer for peace. One man says, "What really got to me was when I realized these monks were in here chanting prayers for peace the whole time we were bombing their villages." The monks have only compassion and love in their hearts. There are many tears shed in that temple. That is the power of forgiveness and grace.
I was in awe watching this show. I can't wait to see the other episodes in the Global Spirit series. There are 10 of them—shows on sacred sound, dreams, art and the creative spirit, shaman healing, to name a few. You can also watch them online. Here are some websites to check out for more information if you are interested: www.linktv/globalspirit/video and www.soldiersheart.net.
Today I am deeply grateful for the gifts of grace and forgiveness, and for people like Dr. Edward Tick who dedicate their lives to helping others to heal.
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