"Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons"
~Popular Mechanics, 1949
"I think there is a world market for maybe five computers."
Thomas Watson, Chairman of IBM, 1943
My sons would be most amused to find me praising technology today. When they were young their mother was an alien being who was totally befuddled by anything remotely technological, like trying to program a VCR or operate a computer or a digital camera. My husband was a wizard of technology and our sons definitely took after him. I, on the other hand, spent most of my life doing things the good old fashioned way, quite honestly feeling intimated by all the latest technological advances. Who needs a computer for word processing when a pen and paper will do the job just as well?
Then, ever so slowly, I began to venture into this brave new world. It all started when I bought an iMac. A whole new universe opened up to me! I could listen to my favorite music on iTunes while downloading photographs from my digital camera into iPhoto, create photo albums and books, publish newsletters, design and print meditation cards, correspond by email, research anything in the known universe on the web, Skype with my sons...I fell in love with my iMac!
And then came the iPhone. I can't imagine life without my iPhone! The only tricky part is mastering one-finger touch-screen email-writing. With this little hand held device I can check email, do my banking, listen to my favorite music, check the weather anywhere in the world, take pictures or video recordings and email them to friends, record random thoughts for my next blog posting while I'm out walking :-), find the best gas prices around, text to my son (which I've found is the surest way to get a response)...and, oh yes, make phone calls too. Remember when cell phones just made calls?
Today I am singing the praises of computer technology, and all the pioneers who paved the way--visionaries like Steve Jobs, who saw the personal computer as a tool for creative expression and made it more user friendly for technophobes like me. It's a new world...even my mother learned to use a computer when she was in her 80's. Her 96-year old friend in the senior community where she lives has one too--she surfs the web, catches up on the latest news, and emails and Skypes. It's a brave new world, indeed. Praise be!
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